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Are you willing to be a rookie again?


My wife and I were watching the football game this past Saturday. And it was the Auburn Penn state game. And it was during a timeout or something to that degree. And it was on ABC and they were showing a trailer promo for the new season of this show called The Rookie. It's a cop show.

My Wife says, "Wait, this show has been all for at least three years. How is he still a rookie?" And I said, "Well, he's probably a rookie in a different sense. He's probably no longer new to the force. New to being a police officer. He may now be on a different kind of assignment. Maybe he's a detective. Now, maybe he's a member of SWAT. Maybe he's on a task force. Maybe he's undercover. I don't know."

We don't watch the show, but I say he's probably a rookie in a different sense. He's a rookie to a new situation, a new experience, a new level of this occupation that he has and she's at home. That makes sense.

But that conversation inspired me to record this podcast episode, which is to ask the question: Are you willing to be a rookie again? See, I think that part of your second half success plan, in order to get to the big goals that God has for you, it's going to be important to be willing to be a rookie again, because you're going to run up against situations and experiences.

They're going to be things that you're probably going to have to do, and you probably have not done them before. And when you're doing anything new that you haven't done before, you're essentially a rookie. You are essentially a beginner again, you're no longer an expert at that thing.

And it's important to have a mindset that is comfortable with being a rookie. Clearly at this point in life you've accumulated a lot of experiences and a lot of knowledge and you are expert in a number of different areas. You've developed some competency at a number of different levels and that's great. That's been good enough to get you to where you are. The question is that going to be good enough to get you to where, to where you want to go?

Chances are that it's not. You’re probably going to have to grow in a number of different ways on this second success plan journey in order to get to the big goals that God has for you.

So look for opportunities. Don't shy away from opportunities. Don't shy away from situations where you'll be a rookie again. You have to have a beginner's mindset because that's where the growth occurs.

And there are a number of different situations in our lives. And these don't have to be necessarily intrinsically on the path of your second half success, but there are a number of opportunities where you can be a rookie again.

Maybe your a father, and you now have to parent your children differently. Well, you're going to be a rookie in that regard.

Perhaps there is a kind of conversation you need to have with your wife.

Maybe it's a difficult conversation, a conversation you guys haven't had before. You're going to be a rookie at having that conversation because it's new. You haven't done it before.

Perhaps there is some sort of chore or task or responsibility at work that you will soon be taking on or that you want to take on that you haven't done before. You'll be a rookie at that.

Perhaps there is even like a household chores, something as mundane as that, or some sort of repair that needs to be done around the house. Maybe typically you would farm that out to someone, but maybe it's something you want to take on. You'll be a rookie at performing that repair because you've never done it before.

So in a number of different areas where you will be a rookie at certain things, and it's important to recognize that not shy away from those opportunities, because the more times that you are rookie, that's where the growth happens.

It's almost like a muscle. The more you are in being forced to lift heavier weights or encounter different kinds of resistance than you've experienced before. You're a rookie at that. You haven't developed the skills yet, but you will develop them. That's how growth occurs.

So I'll keep this short and say, are you willing to be a rookie look for those opportunities where you have a chance to learn or experience something new? And don't shy away from it. Use that as an opportunity for growth, because it is indeed an opportunity for growing. Recognize that growth is what's going to be necessary on your second half success plan towards the big goals that God has for you. God bless and take care of.

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